Monday, January 5, 2009

Just Let Them Sleep With You

So this is the story Ciaran told me yesterday when he woke up. Okay so now I will let him sleep in my room because that is the saddest thing ever. So I let him sleep in my room for now. One day when he gets older I know the table will turn and I will want him to sleep with me and he wont want to anymore. The picture he is talking about is this one of me as Padme from Star Wars. They are so cute. They both carry it around and fight over it all the time. They think it is the coolest thing ever and that I am holding a real gun is a dream come true to them. THey just cant understand that it is only my face and I will just let them believe as long as possible for now that sure that is me and my body in the picture.


John and Charese said...

YEAH! So excited to finally be able to keep up with you again. Hope all is well. The boys are getting big! We really need to get them together again.