For years everyone would tell our dad that he was so smart and talented that he needed to go to school and get a real job and get paid for his smart brian that he has. Well finally after we dont know how many years, because we weren't alive for some of them, of just having get you by jobs but nothing that was career worthy he got a job working for a family friend. It has been an awesome job and he is going to school to become a journeyman. It is a four year program and he just finished his second year and he has a 4.0. Yes that is correct. My dad is brillant. How do you get a 4.0 in college. I dont know but he does and is amazing. We are all proud of him and though we hate it sometimes when he has to go to school at night when we would rather him stay home and play with us he still goes and is doing wonderful like his grades say. With his job he gets to work on a lot of the temples and is currently doing the Draper Temple. Last year his work went to Tonga, Australlia, San Diego and Oregan just to name a few. He hasn't been on any out of town ones lately becuase of school and draper but pretty soon. Good job dad we are proud of you and are so happy that you finally get to use your brian at work.
Love, Ciaran and Cabhan (and mom)
Dear Ciaran and Cabhan,
Thank you for the message about your dad. I am very proud of him also. I have always wanted him to go to school and I think he is very smart and can do just about anything. love, grandma horsie
Good Job Aaron Congratuations. That is a way hard thing to do.
CONGRATS to Aaron! We have lots to be proud of. I am so glad our boys are working so hard so we can play. We need to get together soon. Isn't it your turn for a BBQ?? j/k Let's plan something soon.
I am proud to say that I was one of those who said that your daddy was very intelligent and should definately get his education. He is a very hard worker and just the other day we were remeniscing about our fun times when your dad worked with us at J. Brooks. There was never a dull moment. Tell him that Aunt Trudy said, "GOOD JOB".
I've always known he was pretty smart, despite the watching of Fox News. Congrats Aaron!
Although.... you know what they say about Republicans...
Vote Republican...
Its easier than thinking!
then again, they also say
Vote Democrat...
Its easier than getting a job!
Well, at lesat the first one is true.
Congrats again!
Aaron... just wanted to say that's so awesome!!! That is very hard to do. Congrats!
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